Aequitask is making investigations better.
These Case Studies show how.

  • Investigating the Investigator: In an increasingly common variant of Title IX litigation, Aequitask investigated a claim that a Title IX investigator at one of the nation’s most prestigious universities was biased because, among other things, the investigator used “trauma aware” interviewing techniques. The client also wanted to ensure that there were no real or perceived institutional conflicts of interest by using an independent outside investigator with extensive higher education experience.

  • Faculty-Student Sexual Harassment: Aequitask was retained as an outside investigator for a highly sensitive #MeToo complaint lodged by a former student alleging sexual harassment by a tenured faculty member years ago, long after the statute of limitations on any legal claim had expired. The review included multiple party interviews and a targeted forensic data search for outdated emails and documents as well as approved access to personal medical records.
  • Discrimination or Bullying: Aequitask investigated a complaint of workplace bullying in one of the world’s leading business organizations, addressing questions of whether unlawful sex discrimination might also have been involved. The client’s HR director concluded that an external review was required to avoid conflict of interest questions. As with many #MeToo cases these days, the client also insisted that the investigation be conducted without any attorney-client privilege, sending a clear message to all concerned that the organization had no interest in “sweeping the matter under the rug.”
  • Compliance Crisis: The Executive Committee of a non-profit board hired Aequitask to investigate a potentially crippling whistleblower claim that senior organization administrators, including the CEO, had deceived government auditors and fabricated related annual audit documentation. Meanwhile, key personnel and business transactions were put on hold pending the outcome of the investigation.

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  • Investigating the Investigator: In an increasingly common type of Title IX litigation, Aequitask helped one of the nation’s most prestigious universities investigate a claim that its Title IX investigator was biased.
  • Faculty-Student Sexual Harassment: Aequitask helped a higher education institution investigate a highly sensitive #MeToo claim filed by a former student alleging sexual harassment by a faculty member.
  • Discrimination or Bullying: Aequitask helped one of the world’s leading business organizations navigate the changing HR landscape in the #MeToo era.
  • Compliance Crisis: The Executive Committee of a non-profit board hired Aequitask to look into a whistleblower claim that senior administrators deceived government auditors and fabricated the related documentation.

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